If you need motivation to get moving, try workout out with a partner. Partner workouts can be fun and engaging. The camaraderie enjoyed can make the challenge easier and encourage commitment. Ask a friend to join you in this fun and challenging workout that promises results in as little as 30 days. This partner workout challenge is fun, easy, and very effective. It can be done in a gym or at home. If you have 30 minutes a day, grab your bestie and start breaking a sweat together. IHWorkouts30DAYPARTNER4

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[column][title maintitle=”” subtitle=”100 Squats”][tabgroup layout=”horizontal”]

[tab title=”Sumo“]Stand with a very wide stance; point your toes outward.  Place the outside of your hand on the inside of each thigh. With your chest up and back straight, begin squatting. Keep your arms straight and on the insides of your thighs until your fingertips are on the floor. Return to start position. Perform 1 set of 25 reps.[/tab]
[tab title=”Prayer“]Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands in prayer position in front of you. Begin squatting down until your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. Your elbows should touch your knees. Keep your back flat. Return to start position. Perform 1 set of 25 reps.[/tab]

[tab title=”Overhead“]Stand with your feet hip width distance apart. Begin by holding a medicine ball at your thighs. Begin squatting down while lifting the ball up over head. At the bottom of the movement you should be in a full 90 degree squat with your hands extended with ball slightly below overhead position. Return to starting position. Perform 1 set of 25 reps.[/tab]

[tab title=”Side Step“]Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold the ball at navel. Begin movement by lifting your right leg out to the side to a very wide stance, then squat down to a 90 degree angle. Return to starting position and repeat with left leg. Perform 1 set of 25 reps. [/tab]

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[column][title maintitle=”” subtitle=”50 Push-Ups”][tabgroup layout=”horizontal”]

[tab title=”Incline Push-Up“]Place your hands on a step or bench (16-24”) and get into a push-up position. Begin movement by lowering your chest to the bench until your elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle. Keep your abs tight and back flat. Do not allow your butt to rise to the ceiling. Keep your neck aligned with your spine by looking straight down as you perform movement.Perform 1 set of 25 reps.[/tab]

[tab title=”Decline Push-Up“]Place your toes on a step or bench (16-24”) and walk your hands out on the floor to a push-up position. Begin movement by lowering your chest to the bench until your elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle. Keep your abs tight and back flat. Do not allow your butt to rise to the ceiling. Keep your neck aligned with your spine by looking straight down as you perform movement. Perform 1 set of 25 reps.[/tab]

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[column][title maintitle=”” subtitle=”3-Minute Abs”][tabgroup layout=”horizontal”]

[tab title=”Side Plank“]Lie on the floor on your left side. Come up off the floor by supporting your weight on the side of your left foot and left hand. Hold position for 1 minute. Repeat on other side for 1 minute. *For beginners, support your weight on your elbow and bent leg.[/tab]

[tab title=”Lower Ab Crunch“] Use a theraband or rope to wrap around your ankles (use a knot to tie securely). Bring your legs straight up to a 90 degree angle. Have a partner stand behind you and grasp the end of the rope. Place your head in your hands and lift shoulders off the floor. Begin lowering your legs to 45 degree angle. As you do this, your partner will give resistance by pulling slightly but firmly on the end of the rope. Perform movement slowly. Exhale as your legs descend and inhale to lift them up. Repeat. Perform for 1 minute. [/tab]

[tab title=”Upper Ab Crunch“] Sit on the floor with your knees up. Have a partner stand on the edge of your toes while holding a medicine ball. Begin movement by extending your arms. Your partner will toss the ball to you. As you catch the ball, bring it to your chest while lowering to the floor. As you roll down, keep your shoulders off the floor. When you touch the floor, lift up while tossing the ball back to your partner.Perform for 1 minute. 






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