Tag: The Smell of Dark Chocolate May Help You Loose Weight

RELAX. Take a Deep Breath

Eastern cultural traditions place great importance on breathing properly; they claim it is essential to maintaining chi – the life-force energy. Seeking relaxation techniques to counteract the

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Healthy Harmony

By Liz McGehee To achieve mind-body-soul balance, nurture your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs in the following ways:  1. Maintain a grateful attitude. Creating and

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The Power of Forgiveness

Did you know that burying the hatchet offers many health benefits? Letting go of anger and resentment can actually reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and

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Is Fasting Another Food Fad?

By Patricia Danflous “Have you thought about intermittent fasting?” When Elizabeth Russell’s OB/Gyn asked that question, she thought she might have misunderstood.  What about the

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