No special detox products are needed. You can start where you are now! Give your pantry and fridge some attention and throw these out: crackers, pastries, syrups, sugary and fizzy drinks, sweet treats, cheese, milk, mayo, chips, and anything packaged! Cleanse your system using the power of whole foods.

1Drink Water
Weight loss success can be as simple as being hydrated. When not properly hydrated, you are slowing down your metabolism. Therefore your body is not burning fat at an accelerated rate. Bottom line: if you want to speed up your metabolism and lose fat faster, drink water!


2Move It to Lose It
Cardiovascular exercise and weightlifting are the two best forms of exercise if you want to see results quickly. These are great for burning calories and shaping your figure. Moderate physical activity is recommended 150 min per week. If you are pressed for time, check out high intensity interval training (HITT) for short 10-15 min workouts. It will maximize your time and efforts.


3Write Down a New Performance
Here are some examples to get you started but you should find ones that you personally resonate with and put them into practice:

  •  I will walk/jog for 30 min a day and meditate for 5 min
  •  I will have a raw lunch X times per week
  •  I will eat have a salad everyday and vegetables at every meal.

4Get Outside Whenever Possible
Breathe deeply. Walking meditation can do wonders for your mood and actually help in the detoxification process. Take every opportunity to appreciate the scenery around you. (When was the last time you laid on the grass and looked up at the sky and made cloud art ?!? 😉


5Eat Natural Vitamins and Minerals
These can be found in fruits and veggies. Aim for at least 9 servings a day. Make sure to include a fruit and vegetable with each meal and make easy grab-n-go snacks of veggies or a piece of fruit to help you get it all in!




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