21028305_lThird-graders know all about photosynthesis. They know that chlorophyll, the “green” molecule, absorbs sunlight for energy to synthesize carbohydrates from air and water to help plants grow. Add a nutritional sidebar to science class and kids have a foundation for a longer, healthier life and a stronger immune system.

Magnesium-heavy chlorophyll, found in green foods, is a super fuel for building and cleaning the body’s bloodstream, providing energy for increasing and rebuilding the red blood cell count.  Healthy blood ensures a steady stream of oxygen throughout the body for energy, discouraging bacteria growth and strengthening the immune system.

chlorophyll“Go green” and you are on the way to boosting immunity. Chlorophyll is associated with improved circulatory, digestive, immune and detoxification systems of the body – leading to many different and overlapping health benefits.

Ready to get started? Jump right into a greener diet with high chlorophyll power found in chlorella and spirulina algaes.

Chlorella, available in tablet and liquid extracts, is a super resource for carbohydrates, fats, fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals, with a high protein content – a little bit of everything you need for good health. Adding chlorella to your diet enhances the body’s ability to utilize oxygen while cleansing the blood and activating immune cells. Its alkalization properties lower acidosis and relives inflammation associated with many diseases.

Look for spirulina in green food and beverages, natural supplements and some energy bars. Derived from blue-green algae, spirulina has a high protein level, low carbohydrate percentage, important nutrients, and contains all essential amino acids. A food staple among the Kanembu people of Central America for centuries, spirulina promotes a healthy immune system, and may be a tool in preventing and treating such conditions as type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders and cardiovascular disease.


15975597_lThe Greener the Better

Essentially, any edible green plant contains some level of chlorophyll, as this is what gives it its green color. But some foods are higher in chlorophyll than others. Generally speaking, the darker the green color, the more chlorophyll, so dark leafy greens are a great source, especially kale and kale varieties, Swiss chard and darker greens like arugula. Adding herbs, like parsley and cilantro, will liven the taste of your salad and increase chlorophyll content in your diet. Blue-green algae including spirulina and chlorella are especially high in chlorophyll, as are all sprouts. Try a shot of wheatgrass juice for one of the richest sources of chlorophyll and a powerful way to detoxify your body.


*Chlorella and spirulina can be purchased at health food stores and organic markets.

By Tricia Danflous

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