By Shirin Mehdi

Colors are often underrated. They are a mood. They speak volumes about people and worlds. 

Let’s talk about the color Illuminating–It is a bright yellow–almost like a burst of optimism and hope shining through the gray clouds like the magnificent sun.

Ultimate Gray is a color that represents dependability.  It has been a gray year, but it is also one where the world came together in unity and solidarity.  Harmony, hope and stability is what this color brings.

Together, illuminating and ultimate gray perfectly symbolize the time we are in.  Aesthetically speaking too, they make a great combination.  How then, do you incorporate these colors into your wardrobe?

You can safely say Illuminating and Ultimate Gray are contrasting colors, and contrasts make for interesting accessorizing.  You can add a yellow belt, bag or necklace to your gray outfit, and you are in trend!  You could also wear yellow eyeliner with a gray outfit or vice versa–now that’s an idea!

When you have two colors that are so different, yet so compatible, layering makes them visually appealing.  Jackets, stoles, sheer outers, you could use any of these in gray and yellow to work this look.  Nice, don’t you think?

Prints are fun, prints are happy.  Prints in Illuminating and Ultimate Gray hit the spot.  You could go all out with these or even just get a plaid shirt in this combination and you will be good to go. 


The simplicity of these colors together is comforting, and these styling ideas will definitely add some oomph to your “we still need to social distance” looks for the year. 

Stay safe and stay stylish!


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