There is no magic equipment in any gym or spa, which will change your body and life. There are no magic diets or potions that take weight off and keep it off forever. Instant solutions do not exist for those struggling with weight and health issues.
If you want to get into shape and change your life, a personal commitment from you and the willingness to do the work is necessary to reach a level where you feel better, look better and enjoy a quality life. If there was a magic solution, do you really think there would be a need to advertise it, especially these days of social media and, of course, word of mouth.
Being out of shape is not an overnight event. No one wakes up, looks in the mirror and says, “My body changed overnight, what happened to me?” Gaining excessive weight, losing self-esteem, and lacking energy takes months, and usually years. But when we want change we want it now. That’s when we are tempted to try the “magic” solutions.
Frustrated? Of course you are. Be careful, good intentions may lead to ineffective results and even more frustration. Do-it-yourself fitness with out-of-date equipment or daily walks on an in-home treadmill seldom change your body shape. You encounter failure.
The good intention is there, but fitness done by your self, without help and guidance, seldom works, but everyone believes that this time it will be different; that this time with this machine or protein formula, the magic will be there.
According to professionals at The Woman’s Company, fitness done well is a restructuring of not only your body, but also how you live and how you will live in the future. True fitness is the combination of weight control, maximum health and maximum longevity. Fitness done right is looking the best you can be now, and still looking younger and healthier than all of your friends 20 years from now.
If you want to truly change your body get help. If you truly want to change your weight now, get professional guidance. If you are now so frustrated with failing again and again and your self-esteem is at an all time low, you can change.
Women who seek change need to be part of a community of like-minded people all on the same mission. You also need strong leadership and guidance from professionals who have dedicated their life and careers to learning how to help you get what you want from fitness.
The Woman’s Workout Company has been building a community of women for 30 years on the Cape. We exist for one reason, and one reason only: we are here to change your life and we all share one common belief at our gym and that is strong women are beautiful women. There is no magic out there in fitness, but there is a place where you can make your own magic happen with a little help from your friends.
Yours in good health,
Chris, Jillian and the entire team at WWC