Use Leftover Rice Water For Daily Beauty

By:Peter Swift

Rice is one of the most common staple foods cooked in today's home kitchens.

But the vast majority of people who cook rice throw away at least half of its value. The starchy water left behind after cooking has some excellent uses for daily beauty, and it’s too beneficial to simply pour down the drain.

Instead, cooking the cloudy water for another half an hour will concentrate its properties, and once it’s been thoroughly cooled it can be used as part of your beauty routine. Here are six of the best ways to make the most of this valuable resource.

Reduce Acne Breakouts

Rice water contains a mixture of anti-inflammatory agents and nutritious vitamins that can give your skin valuable protection against acne. Simply dab it onto your face with a clean cloth, and it’ll work to tighten your pores, expelling the traces of grime and grease that can lead to a breakout. It’ll also help to remove bacteria, as well as reducing the inflammation that makes acne so hard on your complexion.

Improved Skin Tone 

Rice water contains a natural antioxidant known as ferulic acid, which works to regenerate skin cells, boost circulation, and help keep your complexion clear and glowing. What’s more, the many vitamins and minerals that the rice leaves behind in the water are absorbed by your skin, helping to maintain its smoothness and suppleness.

Reduce Irritation 

Your complexion’s daily encounters with wind, pollution, and sunlight can leave it dry, flaky and irritated. Rice water can gently soothe away itchiness and restore moisture, which in the long term can help prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

Relief from Mild Sunburn 

Use it immediately after you feel the effects of too much sun, leaving it to soak in for five to ten minutes before rinsing it off and using a regular soothing after sun treatment.

Gentle Daily Cleansing 

Apply last thing at night after removing all your makeup, let it settle for ten minutes, then rinse clean before applying your favorite overnight moisturizing cream.

Feed Your Scalp and Follicles 

Rice water can be massaged into your scalp to feed and strengthen your follicles for richer, more lustrous hair.  It can also soothe itching and flaky dandruff, making it a great choice as an all-natural weekly hair treatment.

Rice water is too useful to be poured away when it can add so much to your daily beauty routine.  Make sure you keep a bottle cooled and ready to go in the fridge at all times, and you’ll soon experience the skin and hair care benefits it brings. 

The starchy water left behind after cooking has some excellent uses for daily beauty, and it’s too beneficial to simply pour down the drain.

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